The fool always gets the last laugh
Age 19
Miskatonic University
Joined on 5/10/21
Posted by SporgyTheMenace - January 27th, 2024
Coming my personal experience, every atheist I encounter came off as self-aggrandizing, self-centered, and snobby. They believe that they are smarter and "free from the control of the church" and act like a complete asshole to anyone who is even remotely religious, and this is coming from me, who is not even Christian.
They like to act smart while completely disregarding the academic and technological advancements caused by Christianity and other religious movements, like how Christianity boost literacy rates. It's stunning on how these dumbasses claim to be smart but are actually not.
Can someone please tell me why I keep encountering these types of atheists?
Posted by SporgyTheMenace - October 6th, 2023
I'm never the superstitious type just an odd fascination with it but apparently my family are those types, with my grandma being the most superstitious due to her conservatism.
According to grandma, don't take your baby out late night even when your visiting family, as it can run the risk of evil spirits cursing the child and making them sick. Jade and gold items and mirrors can be used as protection against them. Grandma had her fair share in paranormal experiences when she was young, which was when she played a Chinese equivalent to ouija board to contact her deceased mother after she recently passed at the time. When she asked of someone was there, the paper said "yes", this scared her to the point where she panicked and threw the paper and coin to the trash.
Another paranormal experience was my sister, she said one night, she saw a blinding white light outside her bedroom window. Even though the time was around 2 or 3am. It was enticing to investigate it, but something told her to not approach the window, so she did. After that encounter, she became one of superstitions.
As for me? Not really honestly, aside from random bruises and scratches I get on my arms for no reason, which is apparently called "demon squeeze" or "demon grip".
Posted by SporgyTheMenace - August 5th, 2023
I asked this question recently and the response was; "He ruined Twitter" and in my head, I said; "good".
Because isn't Twitter infamous for being a toxic cesspool infested with pedophiles? They do say there has been an increase in bigots on Twitter ever since Elon took over but I'd they have always been here. I remember back in 2020, there was a white supremist account called "White Mesa" and it sent me a video of a guy fucking a toaster after I posted my RPC-939 art. I was 15 at the time...
Or maybe I'm just naive since I don't use Twitter a lot and mainly use it for Choujin X news.
Posted by SporgyTheMenace - July 26th, 2023
You know the brain-eating amoeba right, people are afraid that water contaminated will kill them if they drink it or get it into any of their face orifices. In reality, the only way for a brain-eating amoeba to kill you is if you snort the water like it's coke and you must get it in really good in there. In fact, death by brain-eating amoeba are rather rare and there are plenty of lakes that people swim in that contain the amoeba.
Posted by SporgyTheMenace - April 24th, 2023
Last month, I got a pastor as a substitute teacher, he decided to converse with me while I playing The Binding of Isaac. This is because this was during a teacher vs student basketball game and the class was nearly empty because the rest are seeing the game.
He was nice and asked me what I do, I showed him my art on my Newgrounds account and of course he gave some compliments until I showed him my drawing of Nyarlathotep mocking Jesus, I then explained to him what the Cthulhu Mythos is and a baseline explanation of H.P Lovecraft. The more I explained the more scared he became, such as the idea of Azathoth(aka God) created us on accident and we serve no bigger purpose and Nyarlathotep being Jesus.
He then says while holding my collection of Lovecraft’s stories; “This is dangerous”.
I am both amused and ashamed.
P.S if you’re wondering if I grew up in a religious family or a traditional family, the answer is yes, but the religion in question is Chinese Folk religion.